Welcome to MathPlusPlus, the Extraordinary Mathematics!
In this small piece of the forgotten cyber, I am writing my explorations in Mathematics, I had spend all of my time, all of my life and all of my pleasure to find what I found, I am doing my researches alone, I do not belong to any institute or research-center or to any University... could somebody help me to publish it !! thanks for visiting me.
Sinus 10° degrees

Sin (10°) is OFFICIALLY not known yet by Mathematicians!! but here we calculate it for the first time in the History of Mathematics .
Sinus 10° degrees →Third-degree equation

New amazing method!! to find the General Solution of the Third Linear algebraic Equation ( the Cubic function).
Third-degree equation →Fourth-degree equation

New amazing method!! to find the General Solution of the Fourth Linear algebraic Equation ( the Quartic function).
Fourth-degree equation →Are you interested ?!
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